White Rock Pride Week takes place July 21 to 29 this year with a message of inclusivity, diversity and love for everyone. Hosted by the White Rock Pride Society, in collaboration with the City of White Rock,  events take place throughout the week and everyone is welcome!  Here’s your “Guide to Pride” in White Rock:

Pride Flag Raising

July 19, 2024
In Front of White Rock City Hall

White Rock Pride Week kicks off with the Pride Flag raising at City Hall. This is an important moment to recognize and celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and the diversity that makes our city so vibrant. The White Rock Pride Society will be raising the Pride Flag to mark the start of a week-long celebration of inclusivity and acceptance. Come out and show your support, meet new friends, and start Pride Week off with a bang.

White Rock Pride Ride

July 19, 2024

Snag a seat on a restaurant patio along the ride route, stake out a premium sidewalk seat to cheer on the third annual Pride Ride, or decorate your car and participate! Almost 100 vehicles, all of which will be brightly decorated with rainbow balloons, streamers and more, will make their way through White Rock and along Marine Drive. Keep an eye on Facebook for updates about the exact route and timing.

White Rock Pride Week

White Rock Pride Family Day

July 20, 11AM – 5PM
Miramar Plaza | 15165 Thrift Avenue

Celebrate Pride in a joyful, family-friendly street festival filled with fun and excitement. Enjoy delicious food, browse local vendors, and be entertained by fantastic local talent. This year’s highlights include a Taylor Swift drag performance, fairies, clowns, and amazing youth showcases. Kids will love the carnival games and face painting, making it a magical day for everyone. Bring your family and friends—everyone is welcome.

Love is Love Gala

July 26
Peace Arch Curling Club | 1475 Anderson Street

Get ready for a night of love, diversity, and celebration at the Love is Love Gala/Fundraiser! Featuring live entertainment featuring drag queens, a live auction (and a silent auction), dinner and more, the evening promises to be the “mother of all parties”!

Watch the White Rock Pride Society’s Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and more information about events.